Handling multiple items

Applying an action to multiple items allows people to perform an action on more than one item at a time. Use this pattern to let people apply actions to more than one item, for example to:

  • Move items.
  • Delete items.
  • Share items.
The general flow for handling multiple items is:
  1. Selecting a command.
  2. Opening multiselection mode.
  3. Selecting items and confirming with a Command button.
  4. Executing the action and showing feedback.
  5. Returning to the original view.

Multiselection mode

  • Multiselection mode is opened when an action is selected.
  • The command to initiate the action for multiple items can be placed:
    • In the Option menu, or
    • If the function is particularly important, it can be also placed as an on-screen button, for example in the Category bar.
  • If the command uses a text label, it should hint than the action will be applied to several items, for example 'Delete songs' instead of just 'Delete'.
  • Multiselection is used for selecting content by tapping on content items, preferably using the same format as in the original content view.
    • Tapping once on an item that has not been selected marks it as selected, and tapping on it again removes the marking.
  • The multiselection mode should display a confirming action as a Command button.
    • The command label is the same as the selected action, for example 'Delete'.
    • The command can also be 'OK' or 'Done' in case there is no other clear command to be used.
    • No informative header bar is needed in multiselection mode in a case where it would repeat the command shown on the category bar.
      • Note: Header bar is always part of LCDUI List and Form.
  • People can scroll the content in the normal way, and once selections have been done, confirm the action for multiple items by tapping the command button.

  • Multiselection mode should contain an option menu with items 'Mark all' and 'Unmark all'.
    • If nothing is selected, 'Unmark all' is not visible in the option menu.
    • Selecting 'Mark all' option selects all items in the multiselection view.
    • Selecting 'Unmark all' removes the selection from all items in the view.
  • People can exit the multiselection mode without completing the action by tapping the back key.
    • Exiting the multiselection mode with back key goes to the previous state, in many cases the content viewing state.
  • After users have selected content in multiselection mode and proceed, the action is applied and related feedback is shown.
    • The type of feedback shown depends on the action.
    • In some cases, for example when deleting content, the phone can show a confirmation dialog before applying the action (see Deleting for more information).